Assignment#9 Oppression Essay

Oppressed people means people that have been dealing with cruel and unjust treatment that is prolonged. Systems of oppression mean systems that are meant to oppress people or something. Levels of oppression means oppression that goes even deeper than system but because of laws,rules,policies, how people behaved toward another and when people choose to believe negative narratives about themselves. Some ways oppressed people experience the different systems of oppression and levels of oppression are that everyday an Afghan girl faces being thrown acid at their face or people poisoning their water and that people are still being treated poorly from others because of laws that were made in the past but even now people are treating others poorly by killing them because of laws that were made in the past which they still believe in.

First of all, some ways oppressed people experience the different systems of oppression and levels of oppression are that everyday an Afghan girl faces being thrown acid at their face or people poisoning their water when they are trying to get an education because men don’t want them to learn about their rights and be able to control them which would be considered a social system of oppression or interpersonal level of oppression. In a document written online it talks about how women and girls are being thrown acid at their faces and terrorist also poisoning their water just to stop the girls from getting a free education so they don’t learn their rights as a human being and a woman.This document was an articled titled “Acid attacks, poison: What Afghan girls risk by going to school” which was posted on the website and it was written by Allie Torgan on March 17, 2016. In this document it says, “Terrorists will stop at nothing to keep Afghan girls from receiving an education …”Every day, you hear that somebody’s thrown acid at a girl’s face … or they poison their water. “It is heartbreaking to see the way these terrorists treat … women,” said Jan, 68. “In their eyes, a women is an object that they can control. They are scared that when these girls get an education, they will become aware of their rights as women and as a human being.”” This evidence shows that the girls and woman who are the “oppressed people” are experiencing a social system of oppression and an interpersonal level of oppression because of how the terrorist are behaving toward the girls by treating them inhumanely so that they won’t know their rights as humans and that the men and terrorist will have power over them. They are treating them inhumanely because terrorist poisoning and grenading girls who are just minding their own business and trying to get an education is just sad and cruel. All they wanted was a education which everyone in the world should be offered to have but these terrorist are killing these innocent girls just because they want an education.

Last of all, some ways oppressed people experience the different systems of oppression and levels of oppression are that people are still being treated inhumanely from others because of laws that were made in the past but even now people are treating others poorly by killing them which could be considered a social system of oppression and a institutional level of oppression. In a document it talks about how a white woman later admitted in killing a young black boy for reasons that she says were later found false, which was that Emmett Till grabbed her and was sexually harassing her, and she was also  never retried as long with other suspects and not found guilty of the crime she committed. This document was a quote from an article on the New York Times Newspaper’s Website which was titled “Woman Linked to 1955 Emmett Till Murder Tells Historian Her Claims Were False” and it was written by Richard Perez-Peña on January 27, 2017. In this quote it says, “But all these years later, a historian says that the woman has broken her silence, and acknowledged that the most incendiary parts of the story she and others told about Emmett — claims that seem tame today but were more than enough to get a black person killed in Jim Crow-era Mississippi — were false.The woman, Carolyn Bryant Donham, spoke to Timothy B. Tyson… who has written a book, “The Blood of Emmett Till,” to be published next week. In it, he wrote that she said of her long-ago allegations that Emmett grabbed her and was menacing and sexually crude toward her, “that part is not true.”” This evidence shows a social system of oppression and institutional level of oppression because it talks about how Carolyn Bryant Donham who later admitted to the murder of Emmett Till behaved toward Emmett Till yet was not found guilty at all because they could not be retried and that she acted this way because she thought that based on rules from the past she could of done this without getting punished.

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