SeeClickFix Blog #1

  • In your own words describe what the company called SEECLICKFIX does for people living in Oakland.

The things that the company SeeClickFix does for people living in Oakland is that they send emails or messages to the people in Oakland that are able to fix the problems that we report and keeps spamming them until they fix the problem.

  • Do you think SEECLICKFIX helps people in Oakland to resist oppression?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, I think SeeClickFix helps people in Oakland to resist oppression  because these problems have been happening for a long period of time and they can help us fix it.

  • Explain the story of how you took your picture for the SEECLICKFIX project (Describe what you took a picture of, when you took it, where you were, how, and why).

When my sister and I were driving home at night on 1429 Bancroft Way Oakland, California we saw illegal dumping on the left side of the road. Since I needed the picture for a project I took the picture of trash, cardboard boxes and etc.

  • What did you do in class to join SEECLICKFIX on their website?  Describe the steps you took.

What I did in class to join SeeClickFix on their website is that i had to confirm as a citizen, type in my first name, type in my school email address, student ID number for password, confirm my location at Fremont High School, say I am not a robot and click sign up. Finally I had to go to my email address and confirm my email address sent by SeeClickFix.

  • What did you do in class to report an issue to SEECLICKFIX? DON’T FORGET TO SHARE YOUR ISSUE ID NUMBER!  Describe the steps you took.

What I did in class to report an issue to SeeClickFix is first type in the address of the issue, click on the category of the issue, described the issue, and then upload the image of the issue I took. My Issue ID number is 4281517.

  • Do you predict that the City of Oakland will fix the problem you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

No because there is actually homeless living right next to the illegal dumping so it is possible that they might not fix it because of that.

One thought on “SeeClickFix Blog #1”

  1. Hi Long!

    Your blog post about dumping on the side of the road was an interesting read for me, mainly because this kind of issue is something that I am not personally familiar with. When it comes to making Oakland a better city, problems like these should certainly be reported and you did a great job using SEECLICKFIX as a way for you to get your voice heard!

    When you were saying that the city of Oakland is probably not going to address your issue, I do want to encourage you by telling you not to give up! Just because there are homeless people living near the dumping does not mean that action can be done to help solve it. I think that your voice is just the first step is confronting it and it’s your job to bring this problem to light if you want to make Oakland help you in solving it!

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